Private: Spare parts

Spare parts & consumables

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A Cover-Slip should be placed on top of the O2k-Stopper to minimize contamination and evaporation of liquid extruding from the capillary of the stopper. They do not exert any direct…
This electrolyte solution is for use with the Reference-Electrode2.4 mm. It comes standard with the O2k-TPP+ ISE-Module and the O2k-pH ISE-Module.
Filter Set AmR: Set of filters for the determination of H2O2 production with Amplex® UltraRed. These filters should be used together with Smart Fluo-Sensor Green (or Fluorescence-Sensor Green). The filter…
Filter Set for NADH: Set (package of  12) of supergel R370 Italian blue filters (Rosco, US) for use with the O2k-NADH-Module      
Filter Set MgG / CaG: Set of filters for the determination of concentraions of Mg2+ or Ca2+ with the fluorophores Magnesium Green® and Calcium Green®, respectively. These filters should be…
Filter Set Saf: Set of filters for the (qualitative) determination of mitochondrial membrane potential with Safranin. These filters should be used together with the Smart Fluo-Sensor Blue (or Fluorescence-Sensor Blue)…
Filter-Cap: O2k-Fluo LED2-Module (O2k-Series D-G) sensors (Fluorescence-Sensor Green and Fluorescence-Sensor Blue) and O2k-Fluo Smart Module (NextGen-O2k Series XA and higher, O2k-Series H and higher) sensors (Smart Fluo-Sensor Green and Smart…
Fluorescence-Sensor Blue: excitation LED 465 nm (dominant wavelength), photodiode, Filter-Cap equipped with Filter Set Saf for measurement of mitochondrial membrane potential with Safranin when delivered. Filter sets for Magnesium Green®…
Fluorescence-Sensor Green: excitation LED 525 nm (dominant wavelength), photodiode, Filter-Cap equipped with Filter Set AmR for Amplex® UltraRed measurements when delivered. Two units of this item are standard components of the…
Forceps for membrane application are for POS and ISE membrane application; do not use for tissue preparation. This item is a standard component of the POS-Service Kit and the O2k-TPP+ ISE-Module.

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